The Energy
How it works. What you gain. How to participate.

Have you ever set the right goals
and sensed yourself to be highly motivated,
but then felt something within yourself
that hindered you from seeing the fruit
of your activities?
Throughout the past twelve years, I have directed my research focus on “God’s energy” blending new discoveries in psychology and neuroscience with previously unnoticed insights into the New Testament. The results were published in three volumes on “God’s Energy” (the Energy Trilogy). An unexpected result of that study was a new approach to personal transformation. When we comply with the right parameters, we can expect change to happen all by itself—a shift to “autopilot,” so to speak, rather than having to invest large amounts of willpower and self-discipline.
For anyone who is eager to experience the effects of that approach first-hand, I have decided to offer a 1:1 training process targeted on providing the needed “parameters” to experience the work of God’s energy in your life, and pass it on to others—the Energy Synchronization Process (ESP). The process is conducted through seven (usually weekly) sessions via Zoom.
Looking forward to seeing you as a part of that group of people.

The Key:
Synchronizing Your Cognitive System
with Your Unconscious Mind
In ESP, we distinguish the Cognitive System of the human mind—the entity that we usually refer to when we say “I”— from the predominantly unconscious Energy System. The goal is a synchronization of the two systems—a key to unlocking intrinsic motivation. The result will be, among other things, the ability to switch to an “all by itself” mode and release “all by itself” growth in yourself and others.

ESP in a nutshell: The left part of the diagram outlines the various interactions between the Energy System and the Cognitive System, whereby synchronization of the two is achieved.
The boxes to the right represent practical steps that are taken in order to facilitate the dynamics symbolized on the left.
The result is a shift into an "all by itself" mode.
Where ESP Will Make
a Difference
â– You sense that you live below your true potential, but don’t quite know how to unlock it.
â– You have to make an important decision, but are uncertain which route to take.
â– You are involved in change processes, but keep running into the same sort of resistance again and again.
â– You would like to deepen your spirituality and are not fully satisfied with “traditional approaches” targeted on that goal.
â– You are experiencing a turning point in your life and want to make the next phase as constructive as possible.
â– You are willing to work on yourself, but you definitely don’t want to get caught in the hamster wheel of permanent self-optimization.
â– You are working as a counselor or coach and would like to learn an approach that is not limited to the cognitive, but includes the unconscious mind as well.
â– You have read one or more volumes of the Energy Trilogy and would like to delve deeper into the paradigm, not just intellectually, but also through personal experience.
â– You frequently feel that you are lacking energy, and would like to change that.

of the 7 Training Sessions
The training will be conducted through Zoom. Each of the seven sessions will take 75 minutes. There is a free pre-training session after which you can decide whether you would like to take the actual training. Please set aside 30–45 minutes for the pre-training session.
â– Pre-training session (free): Agreeing on contents, discussing procedures, and setting dates for all seven sessions.
â– Session 1: Assessing your personal situation and potential goals
â– Session 2: Understanding the language of your personal energy system
â– Session 3: Uncovering unconscious motives
â– Session 4: Utilizing the raw material provided by your energy system in goal setting

â– Session 5: Identifying contradictory voices within yourself and bringing them into conversation with one another
â– Session 6: Discovering spiritual dynamics that enable your energy to flow
â– Session 7: Activating “all by itself” growth in all areas of your life

Frequently Asked
Is the study of the Energy Trilogy a prerequisite for receiving the training?
No. However, the training will be enhanced if a participant chooses to study at least the highlighted texts of the Trilogy (about 1/3 of the overall text).
Is the training designed exclusively for Christians or religious people?
Both Christians and non-Christians can benefit from the process. Since a person’s belief system impacts their approach to energy, the training gives credit to the religious or non-religious starting point of any individual trainee.
In which languages is the training provided?
English and German. It is not necessary that the training language selected is your native tongue. However, that language for the training should be spoken to a degree that enables you to verbalize nuanced realities in yourself and your environment.
Is it possible to receive the training in person, i.e., without using Zoom?
Generally, it is. However, in that case you need to come to my place (Emmelsbüll, Germany) for one week, where I will give you one training session per day.
If I start the training and decide that it isn’t what I was looking for, can I drop out?
Yes, at any time. In that case, you will only be charged for the training sessions you have received, at the non-reduced price (see Prices & Procedures).
Am I allowed to pass the training on to others once I have received it?
For people who want to use ESP to train others, there is an additional Trainers’ Training that can be taken after the basic training has been completed.
Results to Expect
in Your Life and Ministry
As a result of ESP training, the following
outcomes can be expected:
â– You will gain better access to your unconscious self and feel more authentic in what you do and say.
â– You will gain a deeper understanding of your personal approach to spirituality, regardless of whether you would describe yourself as religious or non-religious.
â– Your creative abilities will be fueled by the interplay of cognition and the unconscious mind brought into sync.
â– In many areas of your life, you will switch to “autopilot”, i.e., activities that you previously had to control with a lot of energy via your Cognitive System are “delegated” to the unconscious mind, so to speak.
â– You will learn a fascinating method for recognizing and releasing intrinsic motivation in yourself and others.

Procedures & Prices
â– By default, the process will include seven sessions.
â– Each session will be 75 minutes.
â– The “pre-training session” will take 30–45 minutes and will be free.
â– The price for the training is either €200 per training session (if a trainee opts for a shortened process) or €980 for the entire process consisting of seven sessions (i.e., €140 per session or €112 per hour).
â– If a trainee would like to have additional sessions (for instance, in order to go deeper into a specific topic), the number of sessions can be extended. Additional sessions will be charged at the reduced per-session price (see above).

â– The training sessions will be conducted by Christian A. Schwarz.
â– The training will be provided in a coaching style.
â– The dates for the sessions will be set in the pre-training meeting or arranged one by one at the end of each session.
â– The available times for training will respect the trainee’s working hours and time zones.
â– All sessions will be held via Zoom.
â– The training will be related to the topics/challenges/needs of the trainee that are discussed in the pre-training session.
â– Between the individual meetings, there will be small homework assignments.
The Energy
The 960 pages of the Energy Trilogy present the theological, philosophical, and psychological background of ESP. The blocks highlighted by a side bar reduce the text to less than one-third of the total volume. Read together, they make up a condensed, introductory book (“book within a book”).
Get your printed books here .
Get your E-Books here.

Early voices on the Energy Trilogy:
What speaks to me deeply in ‘God’s Energy’ is the unflinching interest in the out-of-church problems of our time. For me, energy is part of a linguistic symbolism. The word group plays a role in the New Testament because it speaks of life. The complementarity that the books are based on is a form of multilingualism. It is disturbing and hopeful at the same time.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Bonhoeffer, Theologian, Germany
While reading it, I kept thinking: The protestant Thomas Aquinas? Or a new “Church Dogmatics” for the third millennium? A remarkable and, despite the age of the biblical sources, truly unique theological system!
Andreas Ebert, author of “The Enneagram”, Germany
It is exciting to see someone who has real prominence in the Christian world taking up this subject. It is a subject long overdue to shape and inform the way that ordinary believers think about the faith.
Prof. Dr. David Bradshaw, philosopher and author of “Aristotle East and West”, U.S.A.
The energy paradigm is highly accessible for today’s secular people.
Dr. Michael Diener, Member of the Council of the German Lutheran Church, Germany
A true masterpiece by a master thinker and a master communicator.
Russell Hooper, denominational leader, U.S.A.
The trilogy opens the door to new worlds and enables a confidence-inspiring view of necessary transformation processes.
Prof. Dr. Marcus Mergenthaler, Agricultural Economist, Germany
In his magnum opus, Christian Schwarz succeeds in excavating a treasure that has been broadly disregarded in Western theology. The fact that he is able to make countless connections to the research on global growth principles that he has been conducting for decades, makes this highly illuminating read extremely relevant for those who ask for the future of Christianity.
Dr. Johannes Hartl, speaker and bestselling author, Germany
Particularly in my work as a therapist, I am immensely grateful for this trilogy. It’s as if I am walking through an open door. This makes God greater for me, more encompassing, more present.
Ille Ochs, author and dance therapist, Germany
These books come at just the right time. With his Energy Trilogy, Christian A. Schwarz tackles several key challenges at the same time. He provides impulses that deserve to be widely discussed.
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Dietz, Professor for Systematic Theology, Germany
Christian A. Schwarz
Get In
Christian A. Schwarz is founder and president of NCD International, a training network operating in more than 70 countries and supporting church development, character development, and community development. As a result, tens of thousands of stagnating or declining churches have experienced new vitality and growth, and countless individuals a new level of fruitfulness. Christian’s books have been translated into more than 40 languages.
For the past twenty-five years, Christian’s personal focus has been on empowerment and coaching.
If you are interested in this training, contact Christian A. Schwarz at the following e-mail address:
You can simply write, “Interested in ESP,” and Christian will contact you by mail.
You will then have a free pre-training session with Christian, in which the most beneficial focal point (i.e., applying the training to the most important areas of your ministry/life) will be explored and the dates for the seven sessions will be set. Only after this first session will you definitively decide whether to participate in the training.
The pre-training session will also provide the opportunity to address any questions you may have prior to launching the process. Please set aside 30 to 45 minutes for that meeting.